(B/CS COMMUNITY MEMBERS): Green Dot Bystander Intervention Instructor Training

$300.00 / unit


Becoming a Green Dot Facilitator

Every two years, Student Life hosts a Green Dot Institute on the Texas A&M University campus. Those who attend this training become certified to deliver the nationally recognized, evidence-informed Green Dot curriculum to the university community. More information and context is provided below. Importantly, please note: This opportunity requires an application process prior to registering here in Flywire:

  • Step 1: Prior to registering, you must complete the following:
    • Green Dot Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 2023: This document outlines the requirements and responsibilities of being a Green Dot facilitator. You, your direct supervisor, and your director/department head must agree to these requirements/responsibilities and sign this document.
    • Green Dot Application Questions: Located on the last page of the MOU are application questions that you must complete and submit with your MOU. Your answers will give us more context for your interest in becoming a facilitator.
  • Step 2: Email your completed Green Dot MOU and Application Questions to [email protected]. Please allow 3 business days for confirmation of receipt from our office before proceeding to Step 3.
  • Step 3: Register as a participant here in Flywire, where you will submit your $150 registration fee for the Institute.
  • Step 4: Register for the Texas A&M Green Dot Institute with Alteristic, which will assist them with the instructional item distribution and planning.
  • Application & Registration Completion: All steps must be completed by Friday, May 9, 2025 (at 11:59pm CDT).

2025 Green Dot Facilitator Training

Our next campus-wide facilitator training is scheduled for Thursday, June 4 and 5, 2025: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. each day in Student Services Building (SSB) 308. This is open to Texas A&M faculty & professional staff, graduate & professional students who have at least two years remaining prior to graduation as of the Fall 2025 semester.

The benefits of attending the Green Dot Institute at Texas A&M are (1) learning alongside colleagues who can understand the bystander intervention implementation strategy in the context of our university’s core values, traditions, and needs; (2) a reduced cost to attend compared to the national Institute. However, given that we are only able to offer the Texas A&M Institute once every two years, we encourage any of our colleagues who have available professional development funds/grants to attend the national College Green Dot Institute at any time, which still allows them to become a part of our facilitation community here at A&M.

The national Green Dot Institute is hosted by Alteristic. During the Green Dot Institute, participants will:

  • Learn the evidence-based foundations of the Green Dot violence prevention strategy
  • Participate in skill-building focused on fostering authentic relationships, personal connection, and mastery of skills & knowledge necessary for effective/persuasive communication
  • Engage in an in-depth examination of personal and professional connection to the issue of violence prevention, obstacles in action, ways to learn from past efforts, and capacity building
  • Strengthen competence through experiential components including journaling, giving and receiving feedback, and small group process, role plays, practice and discussion

Why should you become a facilitator?
Texas A&M University has demonstrated a long-standing commitment to the prevention of power-based personal violence. Since 2015, the Step In Stand Up campaign has served as a call to action for Aggies to end sexual violence on our campus and in the communities in which they live & serve. Green Dot is a national curriculum that aligns with the Step In part of this campaign, providing individuals with the skills and knowledge to identify when acts of power-based personal violence are occurring and intervene appropriately and safely during high-risk situations.

In addition, while our Texas A&M campus and surrounding community are safe places to learn, work, and live, Aggies are still impacted by power-based personal violence. In the most recent Association of American Universities Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconduct (2019), we know the following from students at Texas A&M University who participated:

  • 30% of women, 8% of men, and 32% of transgender, queer, and non-binary students (across both undergraduate & graduate/professional levels), experienced at least one type of sexual assault
  • 42.7% experienced sexual harassment from another student, faculty or staff member
  • 12.9% experienced intimate partner violence
  • 19.4% experienced stalking

Becoming a Green Dot facilitator is one of the most tangible ways that you can serve as an ally who promotes violence prevention, brings awareness to the need for bystander intervention, and empowers others to have informed conversations about these issues.

Who should become a facilitator?
Texas A&M faculty, staff, and community members who maintain active partnerships with Texas A&M are welcome to register for and attend the Green Dot Institute, with the understanding that they will (1) commit to being a facilitator for two years (August 1, 2023 - July 31, 2025), and (2) facilitate at least 10 hours of full workshops and/or overviews per year.

As in years past, we also encourage faculty and staff members from Texas A&M system schools to participate in the Green Dot Institute. If interested, we ask that at least two members from an individual system school attend the Green Dot Institute together to ensure successful implementation of overviews and trainings on their respective campus.

Those who become Green Dot facilitators are expected to be able to present the curriculum to students, faculty, and staff. While previous public speaking experience is not required, the ability and willingness to present in front of audience is a necessary trait for facilitators. In addition, while expert-level knowledge of power-based personal violence is not required at the time of training, it is fully expected that Green Dot facilitators will care enough about this issue to openly & confidently discuss instances sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence & abuse, domestic violence & abuse, and stalking with different audiences. It is also necessary that Green Dot facilitators engage in additional training to remain current on federal, state, and university policies related to power-based personal violence. The Green Dot Implementation Committee will ensure that this type of training is made available throughout the year.

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