ESET 210 Parts Kit
$52.00 / unit
This lab kit contains all of the components necessary to complete the lab experiments within the ESET 210: Circuit Analysis course. It is recommended that each lab group, consisting of two students, should purchase at least one kit.
***Wires are now sold separately***
Each kit will contain the following components:
Resistor 6.8ohms x1
Resistor 10ohms x1
Resistor 91ohms x1
Resistor 100ohms x3
Resistor 220ohms x1
Resistor 330ohms x3
Resistor 470ohms x1
Resistor 680ohms x1
Resistor 1k x1
Resistor 1.2k x2
Resistor 2.2k x2
Resistor 3.3k x3
Resistor 4.7k x1
Resistor 6.8k x1
Resistor 10k x1
Resistor 47k x1
Resistor 100k x2
Resistor 470k x1
Resistor 1M-1/4 W x1
Resistor 100-1/2 W x1
Resistor 1M- 1/2 W x2
Resistor 1M- 1 W x1
Resistor 1M- 2 W x1
Electrolytic Capacitors 100uF x2
Electrolytic Capacitors 220uF x2
Inductors 10mH x2
Inductors 100mH x1
Ceramic Capacitors 0.01uF x2
Ceramic Capacitors 0.1uF x2
Ceramic Capacitors 0.47uF x2
Ceramic Capacitors 1uF x2
Potentiometer 1k x1
Potentiometer 10k x1
Screw Driver x1
Bread Board x1
For any concerns, contact Brayden Hudson: [email protected] or 214-886-7939 for more information.