PELDEM Donation
$0.00 / unit
Donate to PELDEM to directly support PELDEM Families in Bryan-College Station.
Presente en la Lucha de Mamá is a student-led organization at Texas A&M that supports Hispanic Families in Bryan-College Station fighting Breast Cancer. Through our incredible committee members, we are able to provide in-home services such as Housekeeping, Nutrition, and Childcare & Mentorship to support our families during a difficult time. Additionally, we also provide financial assistance to our families to help offset medical expenses or any other expenses they may have while we support them. It is through the support of donations like yours we are able to support our families year-round
Thank you
- The PELDEM Team
- [email protected]
**Contributors will not be issued a formal IRS tax receipt for tax purposes, nor will the contribution be included in cumulative lifetime gift counting to Texas A&M University.