Trap & Skeet Open Range Day Registration

$25.00 / unit

All fields marked with * are mandatory.
4 Rounds for Open Range Day
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Utilize this product to purchase rounds and ammunition for Open Range Days with Texas A&M Trap and Skeet. You have the option to shoot 2 rounds (50 targets) for $25, or 4 rounds (100 targets) for $50. This cost includes both targets and ammunition.

To participate in Open Range Day, you MUST pay for rounds and ammunition AND have an APPROVED AOR from Sport Clubs. To fill out your AOR, please navigate to and login with your Net ID. Select "agreements" in the top right corner, and fill out the "AOR" form. Be careful to select "Trap and Skeet" as the club that you are completing an AOR for. If your AOR is not approved PRIOR TO THE START of Open Range Day, you CANNOT PARTICIPATE.