Veterans Day 5K Fun Run Donations

$0.00 / unit

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Thank you for your interest in Alpha Phi Omega's first ever Veterans Day 5K Fun Run! This is where you can make donations. We welcome all and any ways that you and your business can help out and make a direct impact in these veterans lives. Please help us help others through monetary donations or sponsoring our 5K (more information on sponsor page).


As of May 10, 2023, no donations have been collected. Due to a system error, donations were never fulfilled, and we are unable to fulfill these previous donations as they have expired. No money was ever withdrawn from your account. Please check your bank statements to confirm. We are so sorry for this mix up.

However, this issue has now been fixed! If you would like to submit a new donation, that would be greatly appreciated. These donations will go to support the All Secure Foundation and our organization as well. Thank you so much for your generosity! Please reach out to us if you have any questions.